Monday, October 30, 2006


I enjoy all genres of music and I have had an immense interest in music ever since I was a little girl and I used to sit on the swing and sing to my audience "the trees" (we lived in the country). I am the youngest girl of four and have played vinyl (78, 45, LP's). I played 8 Tracks, cassettes, CD's, etc. I like watching music videos and share my love of music with my children. My husband also enjoys music, being the baby boomer that he is. I am a member of the Community Choir and we practice for months and months before we give a Christmas Concert for the community.

My first guitar was blue and the first song I learned to play was "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean". Three guitars later, I now have a small "Fender" accoustic and also an electric guitar. I am not fantastic but I have been told "they" can tell what I am playing (lol).

Welcome to my Music Parlour and check out these free downloads!

I checked out this site. It actually has a one time fee and then you have unlimited access to download music, movies, maps, etc. I have had free downloads with other sites before but found that there is a potential for virus. I also used to download a song and when I listened to it, it was NOT the song I had downloaded but a song composed to deter people from free downloads. The one time fee is minimal . . . less than $50.00. This is very convenient for me since the closest music store is two hours away. Enjoy this. It's worth it. Christmas is coming and some of these
would be good gifts.

Click Here!